Thursday, January 22, 2009

. Data Bus
An instruction bus is a specialized data bus for fetching instructions from memory. The very first computers had separate storage areas for data and programs (instructions) A processor bus is a bus inside the processor. Some processor designs simplify the internal structure by having one or two processor buses. A system bus connects the main processor with its primary support components, in particular connecting the processor to its memory. Depending on the computer, a system bus may also have other major components connected.
A data bus carries data. Most processors have internal data buses that carry information inside the processor and external data buses that carry information back and forth between the processor and memory.The IT infrastructure in a casino enterprise may be comprised of several “main” data buses that supply interconnections between endpoints related to the specific business unit associated with that “main” bus. For example the hotel/motel communications “main” bus supports communications between the clients and servers involved in operating the hotel/motel portion of the casino enterprise.
Depending on the bus type, either data rate or throughput is given in the second column. Clocked buses are shown with the clock rate [as data rate], while buses that allow hand shaking are listed with through-put, bits/bytes per second as the data rate ['b'= bits, 'B'= Bytes]. Many of the serial buses are in Baud-rate. The data rate numbers will normally be best case; requiring shortest cable distance, no wait states, optimal communication between devices and so on.
If you look at the bottom of a motherboard you'll see a whole network of lines or electronic pathways that join the different components together. These electronic pathways are nothing more than tiny wires that carry information, data and different signals throughout the computer between the different components. This network of wires or electronic pathways is called the 'Bus'.

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