Thursday, January 22, 2009 cultivation
Healthy plants that develop stem rot will often heal themselves: the infected portion can be seen as a yellow or blackish zone with a distinct border from where healthy tissue starts. Gently try and snap off the dead portion- if an abscission zone has been formed already, it will come off, leaving a clean white healthy stub at the other end. If not, try again after a few days. If the diseased end is mushy, the skin is best pulled off to allow the inner portion to dry rapidly, after which it should come off with little effort.
The secret to Adenium nutrition is little & often. Because the plant, given ideal conditions, can grow surprisingly fast, it can utilize a lot of nitrogen and other nutrients. On the other hand, excessively fast growth is soft and susceptible to rot as well as aesthetically unappealing. There doesn't seem to be a problem at all with high temperature, especially with a concurrent increase in humidity
Manual harvesting is practiced by cutting crop with sickle or knife. In some crops like Sugarcane, Millets, Paddy the crop is cut with sickles and knives. In some crops like Groundnut, tuber crops the plants are pulled and economic parts are separated. In other crops like Cotton, Chillies, and fruits the picking is practices to remove the economic parts like kappas, pods and fruits etc.
The survival of microorganisms in the laboratory, as well as in nature, depends on their ability to grow under certain chemical and physical conditions. An understanding of these conditions enables us to characterize isolates and differentiate between different types of bacteria. Such knowledge can also be applied to control the growth of microorganisms in practical situations.

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